Home / Diabetes & exercises / A revolutionary Marathi book about diabetes and exercises
A Revolutionary Marathi Book About Diabetes and Exercises
Take care of fitness! Forget sugar!!
A revolutionary Marathi book which gives a very fundamental idea about lifestyle
● Sheds light on human evolution, changing lifestyles, involvement of the brain, and
exercise in type 2 diabetes.
● A scholarly attempt to give a scientific dimension to the treatment of diabetes.
● A key to health. Covers the scientific concept of physical fitness and guidance on

For purchase; the book is available at the reception counter of BILD Exercise Clinic,
leading booksellers as well as on websites such as Amazon (click here for purchase
from Amazon), Flipkart (click here for purchase from Flipkart), Bookganga (click here
for purchase from Bookganga). The book is also available for purchase at the
reception counter of BILD Exercise Clinic at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital.
List of chapters in the book (अनुक्रमणिका)
तिळा उघड !
१. तसंच पुन्हा घडतंय?
२. लठ्ठपणाची लुकडी समज
३. ' साखरपांडे'
४. पॉपर, कून, आदिमानव आणि उत्क्रांती
५. सप्तपदीतील सातवं पाऊल
६. 'कामा'चं काय काम?
७. मधुमेह आणि कंपनी
८. उत्क्रांत शरीरातील उत्क्रांती
९. समन्वयक मेंदू, धोरणी मेंदू
१०. वागणुकीच्या गोळ्या कश्या घ्यायच्या?
सोपा पेपर, अवघड निकाल
संदर्भ सूची
Look Inside (Sample View)
Take care of fitness! Forget sugar!!
A revolutionary Marathi book which gives a very fundamental idea about lifestyle
● Sheds light on human evolution, changing lifestyles, involvement of the brain, and
exercise in type 2 diabetes.
● A scholarly attempt to give a scientific dimension to the treatment of diabetes.
● A key to health. Covers the scientific concept of physical fitness and guidance on

For purchase; the book is available at the reception counter of BILD Exercise Clinic,
leading booksellers as well as on websites such as Amazon (click here for purchase
from Amazon), Flipkart (click here for purchase from Flipkart), Bookganga (click here
for purchase from Bookganga). The book is also available for purchase at the
reception counter of BILD Exercise Clinic at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital.
List of chapters in the book (अनुक्रमणिका)
तिळा उघड !
१. तसंच पुन्हा घडतंय?
२. लठ्ठपणाची लुकडी समज
३. ' साखरपांडे'
४. पॉपर, कून, आदिमानव आणि उत्क्रांती
५. सप्तपदीतील सातवं पाऊल
६. 'कामा'चं काय काम?
७. मधुमेह आणि कंपनी
८. उत्क्रांत शरीरातील उत्क्रांती
९. समन्वयक मेंदू, धोरणी मेंदू
१०. वागणुकीच्या गोळ्या कश्या घ्यायच्या?
सोपा पेपर, अवघड निकाल
संदर्भ सूची
Look Inside (Sample View)
Testimonial about the book
"This is not a mere treatise on health. Rather, it is about the causation of diseases and their treatment. It is presented in a very interesting language. The authors have got a good command of both the subject and the language. Complex scientific subjects are presented in a simple, elegant, manner."

Dr. Shantanu Abhyankar
MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), A leading science-based writer in Marathi
"I strongly believe that controlling blood sugar should not be the sole criterion for treating diabetes. Even today there is no satisfactory explanation as to why diabetes occurs, but there is no doubt that changing lifestyles and increasing urbanization are at the root of diabetes. This means three main things: excessive food intake, reduced physical activity, and lack of certain behaviours such as physical risk-taking, agility, etc. Although it is not possible to go completely back to the old days, there is no doubt that it can be balanced through exercise and diet. I strongly feel that focusing on exercise will be of great benefit to all diabetics. The practice of outsourcing one's health to medical professions or medicines is not going to help because it will not completely cure the disease and the mechanism of organ failure will continue on a small scale inside, so we will never get the key to good health unless we take our health into our own hands and do something for it. For this, readers should introspect and examine this innovative thought through their own experience."

MS (General Surgery), FRCS Medical Director, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital
"This book is not only about diabetes but about a complete rethinking of current dogma in health and medical science. The root cause perspective mentioned in the book can help us understand lifestyle disorders in a radically different style. I sincerely hope that modern-day doctors take this thought forward to an innovative therapeutic and scientific application level."

MS (General Surgery), Diploma Sports Medicine (Germany)
"This book is an important contribution to scientific thinking. In this book, the authors have presented a very basic alternative thought about diabetes. As a doctor, I find his views noteworthy. Current medical thinking about diabetes has shrunken on blood sugar levels alone. Authors have tried to give it a completely separate scientific dimension. For that, this book will be a guide for medical professionals and researchers as well. The book's scholarly and yet interesting description of what scientific thinking is and how and to what extent there are obstacles to its dissemination in the scientific world has been covered in the first chapter. This book is a must-read for all those who are interested in scientific thinking and seeking truth through it."

MD (Medicine) Former Head, Department of Medicine Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune.
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